I recently came across a list of affirmations that really spoke to me. I realized that I haven’t blogged about affirmations in awhile, and I thought that sharing the list, and the point of affirmations, would be a good plan.

Remember, an affirmation should lift you up and affirm your life — or the life you want to create. Affirmations are a way for your conscious mind to teach your subconscious mind to be in a happier state.

So, the list of great affirmations:

I am competent, smart, and able.

I believe in myself.

I recognize the many good qualities I have.

I see the best in other people.

I surround myself with people who bring out the best in me.

I let go of negative thoughts and feelings about myself.

I am always growing and developing.

My opinions resonate with who I am.

I am congruent in everything I say and do.

If you don’t like a word choice, that’s fine. Personally, I believe that meanings of these affirmations are truly valuable. By working these types of affirmations into my everyday life, I became a happier, more confident, and more successful person. And those are things I wish for everyone.

Something else to keep in mind, sometimes the one you believe the least, is the one you need to say the most. Tell me, which one struck you the most, and why?

Vanessa Loder

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