Easy AffirmationsWhen you think of affirmations, do you think of trying to convince yourself that you love running 10 miles at 4 am every day? Most people think that running 10 miles at any time of day is a form of torture. People who do run daily probably feel that 10 miles and 4 am is a combination of convenience more than of love. So why would telling yourself this lie be an “affirmation” -– something that should lift you up?

For an affirmation to work, for it to lift you up and make your life better, it needs to be true. So, if you are working affirmations into your life, I suggest you start simple. Consciously tell yourself something true that makes you happy.

The first thing you do every day is wake up, right? How often do you wake up and say (or think) something along the lines of, “I hate getting up”? or “Ug, another day, wish I could hit snooze one more time!” While true, does that thought make you happy?

What if you wake up tomorrow and tell yourself, “I love my bed!” or “Today is going to be a Great Day!” Hopefully, that’s a true statement that makes you happy. You may not be jumping out of that comfy bed, but you’re now in a better state of mind.

If you own a scale, you are likely to have negative thoughts whenever you look at it, never mind when you stand on it. How about, “My scale always gives me accurate information.” Leave your opinions about said information out of it.

We’ll get to affirmations that help you out of bed or what the scale told you next time.

So now, a challenge: What affirmation can you use as you face your commute home from work? Please share in the comments below.

Vanessa Loder

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4 Responses to Easy Affirmations

  1. [...] Easy Affirmations Be Grateful, Find Happiness By Vanessa Loder On May 31, 2012 · Add Comment · In Joy [...]

  2. Holly says:

    Affirmations have worked for me, I had to work with them over a reasonable amount of time, however I have noticed a difference in the way I see the world now. Thanks for sharing!

  3. [...] a hard time changing the story? Try an affirmation. “I learn and grow because of ALL of [...]

  4. [...] an affirmation should lift you up and affirm your life — or the life you want to create. Affirmations are a way for your [...]

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