Ainslie MacLeodAinslie MacLeod, an internationally acclaimed author, psychic and featured guest on Oprah’s Soul Series, and Vanessa Loder, a Stanford MBA and Executive Coach trained in past life regression and neurologically based change work, have created an innovative 10 Week Program to tackle big life issues in a practical and lasting way bycreating change at the Soul Level.

Learn more about our 10-Week Soul Power Program by listening to this FREE Introductory Class Call:

Soul Power

Soul Power Free Intro Class.mp3


This one-hour introduction to the SOUL POWER series offers an overview of the ten classes, and insights into the life plan your soul created before you were born.

You’ll learn why your soul chooses to come to the Physical Plane for the lessons and growth it offers, how it chooses your personality and shapes your view of the world, and how understanding your soul’s life plan is the key to creating a happier and more fulfilling life.


The introductory class will show you how to break your life plan into ten component parts, helping you to identify your soul-level personality, your overarching purpose, your blocks, fears, and limiting beliefs, and how to stay in the positive aspect of each of the elements.


In the next ten weeks, you’ll learn to:

- Understand your place in the universe
- Manifest your soul-level personality
Find your soul’s purpose
- Move beyond your fears
- Stop being a victim; let go of past hurt and trauma
- Balance mind, body, and spirit
- Turn negative experiences into positive lessons
- Tap into a higher spiritual power

Learn more about the 10-Week Soul Power Course >>


Vanessa Loder


JuliaGoldberg“I was a skeptic entering this process. I knew I wanted change but thought I was already doing the right things… And deep down didn’t believe I had the power to call true change into my life. Vanessa’s sessions were incredibly powerful…Powerful enough to evoke strong emotions, and concrete and clear enough to change my daily routine and make me identify and break down my own barriers to happiness.  Three months later…I have called into my life an amazing man. Whether or not he is ‘the one’, I feel for the first time in a long time that I WILL find someone incredible.”    ~ Julia Goldberg


“I was drawn to Ainslie MacLeod‘s work at the most difficult time of my life and was amazed by his insights. Working with Ainslie helped me understand who I am, why I’m here, and how to live my life on purpose. He spoke to the sincerest wishes of my soul and gave me the encouragement and tools I needed to change my life into the wonderful experience that I am so grateful to have today.”  ~Megan R.

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