Manifesting YouThough this seems like a difficult question to answer, the answer is the easy part; it is the question that is a little more difficult.

Many people think that “manifesting” is the same as “creating,” but there is not the case. To manifest something is to make or show something that is obvious; therefore, if you want to manifest something new, you need to create that something in such a way that it is true, clear, and obvious to others. For example, consider a brick wall. To manifest a brick wall is pretty easy. A brick wall is an obvious thing, so all you have to do is build it. But what about something a little less concrete? Like your wonderfulness, for instance. It would be easy to think that something abstract like that might be more difficult to manifest…

But you’d be wrong. It’s actually just as easy. This is where we get to the simple answer to the more difficult question. First, you must determine what it is you want to make obvious; it must be obvious to you before it can be obvious to others. How is anyone going to believe you are wonderful if you do not believe it yourself? You must build your wonder just as you would build a brick wall.

If you want people to SEE you as confident, you have to BE confident. Don’t let your inner naysayer and any “buts” to this statement. I admit that being confident can be hard–there is so much out there to make us feel low, but NONE of it matters.

As yourself this: Do you like yourself? Follow this question up with Why do you like yourself? Repeat the answers to these two questions frequently to yourself. Eventually, these conscious thoughts will seep into your subconscious, becoming a part of the new, confident you.

It also helps to “Act As If” you already have what you want. Think of how the self-confident version of you would act, and start acting that way. Our minds can be tricked by our bodies. If you take a few deep breaths, walk with confidence and picture yourself delivering a self-confident message before you start talking in a meeting, you can convince your mind this really happened. Later, as a result or your confident thinking, you will feel more confident when you really are speaking in the meeting.

Here’s a quick example everyone can relate to: which woman is more attractive to men, the one who is clearly looking for a man, or the one who is so at ease with herself that a man doesn’t matter?

The obvious brick wall and the obviously wonderful you need only one thing to make them true: YOU. So, start building!

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