power-of-negative-thinkingEveryone has an experience with the power of positive thinking, but have you thought about negative thinking? The truth is that thinking has power -– positive and negative.

What we think about ourselves has power.

Do you think you are a gorgeous brilliant human being or an ugly idiot?

How you see yourself is how the world sees you.

That is the power of thinking.

Here’s another question: who has the most influence on how you think about yourself? That would be you. Not the Pretty Girl in high school who told you what a dope you were. Not your overly critical grandfather or favorite aunt. Not the one instructor who had the gall to give you a D. You. You are in your head 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year; how could anyone else have more influence over you? So, what is that person telling you?


If you’re 80 and you look in the mirror, do you see wrinkles and liver spots? Or, do you see the beauty and wisdom of life’s many experiences? If you’re 18 and look in the mirror, do you see a disappointment or the next ruler of the universe? Your best friend is supposed to save you from a major fashion faux pas, not nit pick every outfit and put you down. So, why put up with that behavior from yourself?

Consider this: can you find in your own thoughts what you are looking for in the outside world? I suggest that, if the answer is NO, that you find those things in yourself first.


If you are looking for appreciation, appreciate yourself. And feeding your ego is different from appreciating yourself.

When you are happy with your life and comfortable in your own skin, the rest of the world will catch on.

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