Fill out this brief application to qualify for a FREE strategy session over the phone to determine if the PWC program is a good fit for you:

1. Please give us your name, gender, email and phone number.

Phone number

2. What attracted you to do the PWC program right now in your life?

3. What are you most looking to create in your life physically, personally, emotionally or professionally right now?

4. Are you satisfied with your current job? If so, why? If not, why not?

5. Are you willing to devote approximately two to three hours per week of intensive learning and action-taking during the PWC Program?

6. Is there anything else you’d like us to know before we consider your application?

Are you stressed out, exhausted and
unfulfilled by your job?
Do you want to find work that excites
and energizes you?

How To Find Work You Love
Free Book

Get your free copy today!


Working with Vanessa has a been an incredibly rewarding and unforgettable journey in self awareness, self-acceptance, and conscious living. The impact has been profound, even when the shifts in my thinking were subtle. The retreat she put together was the highlight of my experience. Not only was it nourishing, inspiring, and nurturing in ways

My experience with the Powerful Woman Connection retreat was life-altering and the best opportunity I’ve been given in my life! It allowed me to take down the guards I didn’t realize I still had, thus taking in all the goodness and letting go of the negative energy I’d been suppressing.

Testimonials - Here Is What Past Participants Have to Say:

The PWC retreat changed me. I feel like I was walking around with a blind-fold on and on each day of the retreat it was slowly being removed. After leaving the retreat, I have a greater sense of purpose and of who I am. I wake up everyday filled with an immense feeling of joy and gratitude. I am eternally grateful to Akoya and all the PWC teachers who, through their unique practices , all participated in sending me back out into the world with a renewed love of life!