


You Can Create an Ideal Life is a 4 Part Audio Course that teaches you how to create exactly what you want in your life. This is a proven formula taught in 4 Levels to give you a comprehensive understanding of the process called Manifestation. In Level 1, you will gain clarity on what you want to bring into your life. Level 2 will support you in identifying the subconscious beliefs you hold that have been sabotaging your ability to get what you want. Level 3 gives you the tools to align yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to better access what you truly desire and Level 4 teaches you how to embody what you want in order to strengthen your ability to create it.

Are you ready to get everything you’ve been wanting and MORE!?
Order now for only $29.99

$29.99 – Includes a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
(Includes 4 MP3 recordings from 20-45 min in length, pdf Workbook and *FREE Bonus Guided Visualization )

Here’s what others say after taking the course:

“I was a skeptic entering this process. I knew I wanted change but thought I was already doing the right things… And deep down didn’t believe I had the power to call true change into my life – especially in just hours with an audiotape. The Akoya Power audio sessions were incredibly powerful… Powerful enough to evoke strong emotions, and concrete and clear enough to change my daily routine and make me identify and break down my own barriers to happiness. Three months later… And I have called into my life an amazing man. Whether or not he is ‘the one’, I feel for the first time in a long time that I WILL find someone incredible.”
Senior Manager – Deloitte Consulting, San Francisco, CA

“Wow, this is such a powerful tool! I am so grateful to Vanessa for encouraging me to explore deeper levels of myself through the comprehensive, practical and very powerful exercises in this course. As I finished each audio I got more and more inspired and at the end I was able to create the coaching program that I have been wanting to create for so long and somehow I have been putting it off. I realized that some of my unconscious beliefs were stopping me from sharing my gifts with the world and now I feel totally ready. The “You Can Create An Ideal Life” course is inspiring and every time I listen to it, it raises my vibration making me feel more powerful and capable of really and truly creating the life I desire.”
Paula Lacobara, Skin Health & Beauty Coach, New York, NY


4 Part Manifestation Course Includes the following:

Learn the 4 Key Steps to Creating Exactly What You Want in Your Life

Each of the 4 Levels consists of an MP3 recording from 20-45 min in length. The Program comes with a Downloadable pdf Workbook that includes Notes and Action Steps to support you as you move through each of the 4 Levels. The Program also includes a *FREE Bonus Guided Visualization

Level 1: CLARITY

Get REALLY clear on EXACTLY what you want

Level 1 *** BONUS AUDIO: Guided Visualization ***
Through this guided meditation and visualization, you will step into your life 3 years from now and have a clear picture of the ideal life you want to move towards


Identify and work through any subconscious beliefs that are counter to what you want


Do everything to make it happen

Level 4: ACT AS IF

Learn how to embody your desires to attract what you want

Are you ready to get everything you’ve been wanting and MORE!?
Order now for only $29.99

(Includes 4 MP3 recordings from 20-45 min in length, pdf Workbook and *FREE Bonus Guided Visualization )